Tech in the Classrooms

May 26, 2016

Notebook? Check. Pencil? Check. Cell-phone? Check. Cellphones, tablets, computers and chrome books are replacing projectors, books and notebooks. chromebooks-apps-flyout

As technology evolves, it becomes more and more a part of our society. As teenagers, we have evolved with advancements in tech. Phones have become an extension of students hands and one almost never sees a student without a phone.

In classrooms, students are starting to be required to use their smart phones in order to participate in class. Teachers requiring students to look up different issues up on the internet, tweet and download apps.

“I use my phone and laptop in a lot of my classes, and use the internet as source to research more,”  said senior Cameron Adams.

In many science and language classes, students have played the game Kahoot as a new and inventive way to participate in class. These games are engaging for students and break up the daily lectures.

57a78bd580cc72b90ff7a6af411792aa“I think (Kahoot) encourages healthy competition and it motivates people to study. Also, it surprises people how much they actually know about a subject,” said senior Ceryna Baens.

There are also apps that students are using regularly in class.

The Grades app has recently become more popular over the last year at Northgate. Many students use the app to quickly and regularly access their grades with a touch of a finger.

“I am able to put in mock assignments to gage my future grades. It also is a lot easier and faster to check the app,” stated junior Vanessa Chequer.

Tiny scanner is an app that some teachers are starting to incorporate into classrooms. The app removes some of the dirty work of turning in assignments. One simply takes a picture of the assignment that is due and it scans the document onto their phone, making it easy to email it quickly to their teacher.

tiny-scanner-pdf-scanner-app-306151-h900Ben Campopiano’s government students are required to download this app on their smart phones. The app has been used thus far for notebook checks, to make sure that the students are keeping up with their notes.

Youtube, which was an internet resource that was was previously not allowed at school is now thriving. Teachers constantly use the source to bring visuals to students that they otherwise would not have seen in the classroom. History teachers are able to show grand speeches that Presidents, and other leaders gave that changed our world forever. Science teachers are able to show new and interesting scientific documentaries.

“I think (technology) is beneficial because we wouldn’t get as many things done in the classroom,” stated senior Kristin Cabitigan.

Projectors are out, flat screens are in. Slowly over the last couple of weeks, huge flat screen TVs are getting mounted into classrooms all over Northgate. Remember the days of elementary school when teachers would place clear pieces of plastic over a light box and it would then be laminated onto the wall? They are gone.  samsung-smart-tv-2

The screens show how much technology has advanced so quickly in the last decade especially in classrooms.

“I think of (technology) as a tool, I want it to be meaningful, relevant, and beneficial for learning.” said Vice Principal Mr. Faye.

These are just a few things that are new in tech for us right now, but who knows whats going to come out next week.

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