She walks the halls like a runway

December 4, 2015

Aly Henry, a currFullSizeRender-1ent senior at Northgate, spends half her day as a normal student, and half her day as a model. Outside of school, one can find Aly in front of the camera at different photo shoots or walking the runways. Henry, like many teens, is learning to balance her time between her modeling career and school.

Henry has always been interested in modeling, ever since she was a little girl. She started watching America Next Top Model at age ten and watched every episode. Aly thought that her dream of becoming a model would be impossible. But after watching the show she was inspired to pursue her dreams.


Henry says, “I was always interested in modeling ever since I was a little girl.  My mom and I started looking into local agencies and the rest is history.”

Henry signed with Stars Model Management in August of 2013 right after she turned
fifteen. She has walked multiple catwalks and been in many photo shoots.

Aly is a full time student, spending two periods at school and doing the rest of the classes online at home. She takes four classes online with Horizons independent Study.  Henry says that it was hard to find a good happy medium between school and modeling, saying

“It was difficult trying to balance work and school last year. Most jobs require me to be out of school long before 3:05.”

Being a model is a commitment, just like any other job, Henry has had really early call times, and says that they are her least favorite part of the job. The morning after prom, she had a 6:00 AM call time, meaning she had a 5:00 AM drive.

Henrys favorite part of the job is meeting all the creative and talented people in the industry. She loves meeting new designers and photographers. Also she really enjoys wearing all the beautiful and expensive clothing she is given to wear for the different jobs.  Her favorite photoshoot was this summer, with photographer Russell Elloway in Los Angeles. Henry says that

11230_su_1431989507_wei_bcbg_911230_su_1437001196__e7a0592d“He (Russell) is such an innovative and dedicated artist. The day of the shoot it was over 100 degrees, but we worked together for over 5 hours and captured some of my favorite images to date”  Henry’s favorite runway to date was a Neiman Marcus show held at the Grand Ballroom at The Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco.

Henry hopes to pursue modeling in the future. She would like to model throughout her time in college. Her goal or dream that she would like to achieve in her modeling career is spending a summer modeling in another country.

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