Be our guest!

For the first time, administration opens up Homecoming to guests.

December 4, 2015

Guests are welcome. That was the exciting message that students received before this year’s homecoming dance, allowing them to invite students from other schools.

Northgate High School’s homecoming dance permitted guests for the first time this year, which directly contributed to the successful night. With over 750 students attending, almost twice as many as previous years, the gym was packed with students dancing and having a good time.unnamed

In the past few years at Northgate, the Homecoming dance had mixed reviews. There were always complaints. However this year, students raved about the dance and its success.

“I enjoyed homecoming because it’s always fun being with your classmates outside of the classroom,” said Jennifer Hoehn, a junior at Northgate. “It felt like the whole student body was having a good time and the music was great, shout out Ieaun.”

Ceryna Baens, ASB president, worked hard to ensure that Northgate was able to bring outside guests this year. Baens noticed that other schools had the opportunity to bring guests. In order to approve the idea, Baens asked Mr. Fey, who was glad to approve the idea.

Baens was also excited to hear all the positive reviews on the homecoming dance.

“I think it was super successful, and everyone was excited to go, because of the fact that we were allowed to bring guests. The theme was different from past years, and we integrated a movie room where the Great Gatsby played during the dance. Also Josh Williams DJ’ed, so I feel like that was a big part of it. Our student body really came together and had a lot of fun.”

Another feature that excited students was the DJ for the night. Northgate Leadership was lucky enough to hire Josh Williams as DJ. Williams is a junior at Northgate, and enjoys to DJ on the weekends for different gigs. Williams said he was inspired by Zed to start DJ’ing which interested him in music overall. He was stoked to be DJ for the night.

“It was really fun. My favorite part was when I played ‘Feeling Myself’ by Mac Dre because before I put on the song, I said to make some noise if you’re from the Bay,” Williams said. “Everyone got really energetic, and I think that was definitely a turning point of the night because we were only around 45 minutes into the dance, and everyone was already having a good time. I definitely think the best part was when I put on some good old classic Bay Area music.”

The night would not have been possiunnamed-1ble without the dedication of Northgate Leadership and their teacher Kourtney Howerton to decorate, plan, and execute. Leadership students arrived at 7:30 A.M on Saturday morning to start decorating. Lights, tulle, posters, and a beautifully painted Eckleberg poster draped the gym head to toe. Leadership students did not leave until 4:00 P.M, only to come back at 6:00. So round of applause to the Leadership class and Mrs. Howerton for planning a spectacular night.

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