Student panel to explore racial inclusivity and experiences in education in Dec. 9 student-lead forum and panel discussion

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Northgate will hold a live forum discussion Wednesday about racism and racial inclusivity. Students and staff may attend through the Youtube link provided in this article. The Sentinel welcomes your feedback and comments on the issue of racial inclusivity. Please email [email protected] using your MDUSD email to have your comments and opinions featured in a follow up article. We welcome all voices.

Students and staff will have a chance to tune into a live discussion Wednesday about racism and racial inclusivity led by Northgate students who will convene as a panel. 

Kristina Cổ, the senior class president and secretary treasurer, along with the help and guidance of school administrators, has created the second ever student-lead student forum that will be held Dec. 9, at 11 am. For those who would like to attend,  follow this link: 

Principal Kelly Cooper first introduced the idea of a student-lead forum earlier this year. She wanted to find a way “to give students an opportunity to voice their opinions so we can find ways to better our school,” according to C

The first student forum in October was on the topic of online learning as teachers, administration, and faculty members wanted to hear the opinions of students with the goal of finding better tactics and ways to improve teaching and learning.

This forum will focus on a more serious yet also critical topic that has been resurfacing prominently throughout the country: racism and racial inclusivity at Northgate High School. 

When asked what the incentive for creating this student forum was, C had many responses. 

“I wanted to hold this forum on racial inclusivity because there was a post circulating around Instagram about one student’s negative experience at Northgate with regard to their race,” C said. “I want this forum to give people a better understanding of how race can affect someone‘s experience at school and I also desire that this forum implements meaningful change to improve our school.” 

Six pre-selected students from different grade levels will be speaking; however, anyone who is interested is welcome to join and watch. The six students are:  Rhea Borra, Ava Ebrahimi, Jordan Jewell, Ashton Saunders-Beckles, Amisha Shukla, and Jordan Tillman. The panelists will be asked questions that were created purposefully and collaboratively by C and Northgate’s administration, as well as incorporating some of the questions from audience members during the YouTube Live. 

She explained how there are two fundamental goals for the forum: “to educate people about BIPOC’s (black, indigenous, and people of color) experiences and to give students an opportunity to propose solutions directly to admin.”

C hopes all will join and share their thoughts and opinions and that that this will make a positive impact on Northgate High School. She also hopes that the forum will initiate fruitful conversation that will aid in bringing awareness and in coming up with solutions to the problems. 

“This topic is significant because race is part of everyday life. This social concept is ingrained into our culture and by avoiding a discussion about this, we miss the opportunity to educate ourselves and to have crucial discussions,”added C.