Students prepare to celebrate Spirit Week Sept. 19 to 24
Themed dress-up days are a longtime tradiiton for students and staff, as is the 20-foot tall poster in the forum advertising the themes for different grades of students and staff on days.
Homecoming Spirit Week starts on Monday, Sept. 19. Students and staff are encouraged to dress up and participate throughout the week, with specific themes for the respective grade levels for each day. The week of celebration will include activities in the forum during lunch and an all-school rally in the gym Thursday Sept. 22 during the school day. The Homecoming football game takes place against College Park High School Sept. 23 at Northgate with JV playing at 4:30 p.m. and Varsity at 7 p.m. The dance will be held on Saturday Sept. 24 at Northgate, with advance ticket purchase required.