School is back in session, and who better to bring the spirit than a group of five seniors decked out in red and gold-striped overalls?
The spirit leaders, also known as leaders of the “12th Man” cheering section at home football games, made their debut at an all-school rally the morning of Sept. 1 at the sports field during an event that also introduced the captains for all of the fall sports teams and included some games and competition on the Beach Day themed spirit day.
Seniors Bret Futterman, Madison Anderson, Izzy Drugan, James Alexander and Scott McMillan roused the crowd of more than 1500 students and staff, and then appeared hours later at the first home football game that night. Northgate’s close loss to Tamalpais in an exciting 42-44 game didn’t dampen the spirits of the five who are tasked with building spirit in the stands.
“It’s good to be back,” said Anderson, after the game. “The night was a great start to the season,” added Drugan.
Friday night football at home resumes Oct. 7 against Twelve Bridges High School from Lincoln, with JV playing at 4:30 p.m. and Varsity playing at 7:00. Hundreds of students are involved fall sports and spirit groups and schedules for cross country, girls tennis, girls golf, girls volleyball, boys and girls water polo and – new this year – girls flag football maybe found on the Broncos sports site at