Hearts beating wildly behind blazers. The clack of high heels as a delegate walks to the podium. Fingers dancing on paper placards, waiting to shoot into the air for a chance to share a different perspective.
In these rows filled by black suits and ties, manila folders thick with research, and laptops opened to pages on statistics are high school students from all over the state, engaged in the discussion of various global issues at a Model United Nations conference. An educational simulation of the international organization known as the United Nations, Model UN, also called MUN, was officially established in the mid-1900s, and from then on has allowed high schoolers to explore politics and potential careers in the actual UN while also developing real-world skills. Participants research and debate as delegates, or representatives, aiming to solve problems in the international community from the perspective of their assigned countries.
Here at Northgate, the Model United Nations club is gearing up to attend as many conferences as possible to give club members more opportunity to learn, grow, collaborate, and potentially earn awards that look great on a college resume.
The club’s president, Sophia Mitchell, recognizes the many benefits delegates can receive even if they aren’t pursuing a career directly related to diplomacy or international relations.

“By attending these conferences, club members improve their skills in research, writing, public speaking, and collaboration. In addition, awards won at conferences are very impressive on college applications, so MUN is great to join for ambitious students,” explained Mitchell, a junior.
Additionally, Mitchell shared how MUN allows members an opportunity to learn in-depth about other countries and often overlooked issues one wouldn’t have a reason to research for school.
“During a conference last year, I had to study and debate freedom of expression from the point of view of Zimbabwe,” Mitchell explained.
Compromise can also be learned at a MUN conference because everyone is representing a different country and the only way to succeed as a group is to find a solution that most nations would realistically support. Mitchell’s own experience with Model UN and her resulting growth in public speaking have bolstered her passion for the club and her mission to get more to experience the lessons and laughs she’s had at conferences.
“I believe that these skills serve club members well beyond MUN, especially in their future professional lives,” Mitchell concluded.
As club president, she hopes to make MUN a more accessible and active club. The goal is to attend two more conferences than last year and ensure that members feel prepared by holding practice sessions and formal training. Since conference fees can be costly, the club leaders are also expecting to fundraise to provide financial aid so everyone can have equal access to all conferences.
Mitchell has had two years of experience in MUN— in the International Relations course here at Northgate her freshman year, as well as in online conferences during the summer and in the club as a sophomore last year. Her participation in MUN has helped her realize early on her passion for politics and her desire to pursue a major in a political field.
When asked to elaborate on what she loves about MUN, Mitchell said, “Conferences are also very exciting – between the debating itself, time spent with friends getting meals after long sessions, and all the new people you meet.”
This year, Mitchell is joined by Vice President Ryan Thai, a senior, and two co-Secretary-Treasurers, Panteha Bazyar and Kathleen Shang, both juniors.
Expected activities include five conferences, which take place over two to three days on weekends and are held as close to Northgate as Berean Christian high school all the way to San Jose and Davis. There will also be two to three hour practice sessions every few weeks after school. Mitchell advises to be on the lookout for dine-and-donate fundraisers, which will be a fun way for the club to bond while raising money.
To join MUN and see more information, drop in on Mondays at lunch in Room 72 and join the Google Classroom, where Mitchell posts resources for new members in the class stream. The class code is fbzy3uz. Join the Remind by texting @ngmun to 81010 and follow the club’s Instagram account @nghs.mun for updates.